Mouthguards (Sports) Tigard, OR
We know that you are out there, weekend warriors. You may lightly exercise during the week, but you may go all out during the weekends. No wonder so many people get injured each year playing sports. 8.5 million adults are injured each year when they play a sport or participate in a pickup game. Over 20% of injuries that adults suffer is to the mouth or face. These injuries can cause a lifetime of pain, depending on the severity of the injury.
One way that you can protect your mouth from accidents or injuries is by wearing a mouthguard when you play a sport. If you have never thought about wearing mouthguards, we want you to take a minute and consider it. Here at Lincoln Center Smiles can tell you why mouthguards are important if you participate in sports.
Why Mouthguards?
There are many reasons why you might want to consider wearing a mouthguard. First, it is estimated that as many as 45 million people play sports, either organized sports or recreational sports. Many people will suffer a mouth or tooth injury. There are many different kinds of injuries that you could have to your face. You could get an injury because you get hit with something, or an athlete hits you. Those kinds of injuries might include a broken jaw, or you might lose a tooth.
You could also fall while playing sports, which could fracture a tooth. Teeth can also be lost during play or be knocked out. You could be hit, and your teeth might shift out of place. None of these are good for your mouth. You could also cut your tongue, cheek, or palate through a sports injury.
Mouthguards worn during sports play work to protect your teeth from injury. They operate much like pads and helmets do for other parts of your body. It is made of soft plastic that you place in your mouth while you are playing. If you do get hit in the face, the mouthguard works to protect your mouth by distributing the energy from the hit or fall across all of your teeth, which minimizes the impact. Not only will a sports mouthguard protect your teeth from injury, but it will protect other areas of your mouth, such as your gums, tongue, and cheek from injury as well.
You can buy a mouthguard in most drug stores or pharmacies. However, many of our patients report that the over the counter mouthguards are not comfortable, and don’t cover their teeth well enough.
A custom-made mouthguard is more expensive than over the counter mouthguards, but it also is more comfortable and offers better protection. If you play sports regularly, you will want to protect your mouth against injury. Not sure if you need a mouthguard during your pickup basketball games? Why not give Lincoln Center Smiles a call at (503) 598-0898? Let us make you an appointment to talk to you about sports injuries and the importance of mouthguards. Who knows, you may find out that a mouthguard is the best insurance policy you can buy!