Teeth whitening has become a popular cosmetic dental procedure, but why do you need it? Most people will say to have a brighter and more beautiful smile. There are different teeth whitening methods, and each has pros and cons.
You need to understand them to make an informed decision on whether to pursue this treatment. It will help if you ask the dentist all the questions you may have before making the decision. Below is more info on why you need professional teeth whitening:
Improve Appearance
Whiter teeth instantly improve your appearance and alter how other people perceive you. According to studies, those with whiter teeth are more pleasant, kind, and smart. They are also related to being more attractive. The best technique to get maximal teeth whitening is through a professional dentist.
Protecting Your Teeth
The only way to ensure teeth whitening is safe is to get a dental exam before having professional teeth whitening. You need to know when teeth whitening is not secure. This happens when you have dental issues, like a small crack or cavity, which makes it simple for the bleaching gel to reach the sensitive nerves in your teeth.
Additionally, the dentist will let you know if tooth whitening is the best choice. Not all teeth respond to tooth whitening. Spending money on at-home teeth whitening makes your natural teeth change color due to dental work like porcelain crowns and composite fillings.
Customize Your Teeth Whitening
Using commercial teeth whitening products could appear straightforward, but if you don't put the same whitening chemical in close contact with each tooth for the same period, your teeth may not turn out evenly white.
The dentist should start by comparing your current color to the desired shade. After applying whitening gel to each tooth, they will adjust the intensity of the whitening to achieve the outcomes you want. Reach out to our dentist to get professional teeth whitening.
Dentist Tigard, OR | Dental Blog - Lincoln Center Smiles Dr. Saklofsky has created an educational blog as a resource for our patients. If you like an article or the dental blog in general please share it to social media, then call (971) 317-9499 to make an appointment. Lincoln Center Smiles, 10500 SW Greenburg Rd, Suite 3, Portland, OR 97223-1406, (503) 598-0898, sakdental.com, 9/4/2024, Related Terms: dentist Tigard OR,